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Heidelberg Journal of International Law ( HJIL )
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Band / Volume 80 (2020)

Heft 1Heft 2 ̵ Heft 3Heft 4

Heft 1

C. Moser: Hard Power Europe? 1

C. Grabenwarter/M. Pellonpää: “High Judicial Office” and “Jurisconsult of Recognised Competence”: Reflections on the Qualifications for Becoming a Judge at the Strasbourg Court 13
J. Klabbers: Governance by Academics: The Invention of Memoranda of Understanding 35
H. P. Aust: Die Anerkennung von Regierungen: Völkerrechtliche Grundlagen und Grenzen im Lichte des Falls Venezuela 73
Summary: The Recognition of Governments: International Law Bases and Limits in the Light of the Case of Venezuela 98
W. Huck: Informal International Law-Making in the ASEAN: Consensus, Informality and Accountability 101

G. Goodman: The Ethics of War and the Law of the Sea 139
M. Hartwig: Bericht zur völkerrechtlichen Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahr 2018 147
A. Hussain: Theorizing Indian Democracy 233
R. Grote: The Underestimated Relevance of the Indian Constitution for Comparative Constitutional Law Scholarship: A Review of the Oxford Handbook of the Indian Constitution 249

Blattner, Charlotte E.: Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Challenges of Globalization  (Cedric Ryngaert) 263
Gozzi, Gustavo: Rights and Civilizations. A History and Philosophy of International Law  (Sebastian M. Spitra) 271
Musa, Shavana: Victim Reparation under the Ius Post Bellum: A Historical and Normative Perspective  (Fin-Jasper Langmack) 276

Heft 2

M. Hartwig: The Coronavirus Challenges the International Order 281

A. von Bogdandy/P. A. Villarreal: Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation in der COVID-19 Pandemie. Über internationale öffentliche Gewalt in der Krise 293
J. Kranz: Kriegsbedingte Reparationen und individuelle Entschädigungsansprüche im Kontext der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen 325
Summary: War Reparations and Individual Claims in the Context of Polish-German Relations 378
A. Reuter: Taking Investors’ Rights Seriously: The Achmea and
CETA Rulings of the European Court of Justice Do Not Bar Intra-EU Investment Arbitration

The Rule of Law in Cyberspace

Übersicht 429
P. Starski: Intro – The Rule of Law in Cyberspace 431
N. Tsagourias: The Rule of Law in Cyberspace: A Hybrid and Networked Concept? 433
H. Lahmann: “Hacking Back” by States and the Uneasy Place of Necessity within the Rule of Law 453
I. Couzigou: Hacking-Back by Private Companies and the Rule of Law 479
S. Koloßa: Facebook and the Rule of Law 509
<T. Tzimas: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: Their Role in the Evolution of AI 533
A. Kulick: Regulating Cyberspace between Grotius, Lotus and Strasbourg 559

Miles, Cameron: Provisional Measures before International Courts and Tribunals  (Donato Greco) 571
Noltenius, Rainer (Hrsg.): Mit einem Mann möcht ich nicht tauschen. Ein Zeitgemälde in Tagebüchern und Briefen der Marie Bruns-Bode (1885-1952)  (Susanne Kiewitz) 576
Ruys, Tom/Corten, Olivier/Hofer, Alexandra (eds.): The Use of Force in International Law: A Case-Based Approach  (Sondre Torp Helmersen) 582
Steinitz, Maya: The Case for an International Court of Civil Justice  (Leander Beinlich) 588

Heft 3

P. A. Villarreal: Between the Global North and the Global South: The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and Mexico’s Paradoxes 603

J. Socher: Farewell to the European Constitutional Tradition: The 2020 Russian Constitutional Amendments 615
T. Markus: Zur Rechtsvergleichung im nationalen und internationalen Umweltrecht 649
Summary: Comparative Law’s Contribution to National and International Environmental Law 707
C. Tomuschat: Carl Schmitt’s Diagnosis of the Situation of European Jurisprudence Reconsidered. Autonomy of Basic Elements of the Legal Order? 709

Valta, Matthias: Staatenbezogene Wirtschaftssanktionen zwischen Souveränität und Menschenrechten (Alexander Pyka) 733
Carpanelli, Elena/Lazzerini, Nicole (eds.): Use and Misuse of New Technologies. Contemporary Challenges in International and European Law (Rachel F. Behring/Angelo Golia) 740
Koh, Tommy: Building a New Legal Order for the Oceans (Fabian Simon Eichberger) 745
Ammann, Odile: Domestic Courts and the Interpretation of International Law. Methods and Reasoning Based on the Swiss Example (Anna-Julia Saiger) 749
Von Lingen, Kerstin: “Crimes Against Humanity”. Eine Ideengeschichte der Zivilisierung von Kriegsgewalt 1864-1945 (Elena Kempf) 754
Frantziou, Eleni: The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in the European Union (Luc von Danwitz) 759
Dregger, Sebastian: Die Verfassungsinterpretation am US-Supreme Court. Begründungen und politische Ausrichtung zwischen “Originalism” und “Living Constitution” (Manfred H. Wiegandt) 766

Heft 4

M. Ioannidis: Between Responsibility and Solidarity: COVID-19 and the Future of the European Economic Order 773

L. Kreuzer/E. Tuchtfeld: Special Focus: Three Perspectives on the Implications of the GDPR for International Law 785
S. Koloßa: The GDPR’s Extra-Territorial Scope. Data Protection in the Context of International Law and Human Rights Law 791
R. Vatanparast: Designed to Serve Mankind? The Politics of the GDPR as a Global Standard and the Limits of Privacy 819
C. Djeffal: The Normative Potential of the European Rule on Automated Decisions: A New Reading for Art. 22 GDPR 847
F. Kriener: Gewaltfreie Protestbewegungen als Legitimitätsquelle? Eine Replik 881
Summary: Non-Violent Protest Movements and the Recognition of Governments 910
J. M. Casal Hernández: The Constitutional Chamber and the Erosion of Democracy in Venezuela 913
A. Vincze: Die Interpretationsregeln des ungarischen Grundgesetzes: zwischen Konvention, Tradition und Voluntarismus 973
Summary: Rules of Interpretation in the Hungarian Basic Law: Between Conventions, Traditions and Voluntarism 988
D. Thym: Menschenrechtliche Trendwende? Zu den EGMR-Entscheidungen über “heiße Zurückweisungen” an den EU-Außengrenzen und humanitäre Visa für Flüchtlinge 989
Summary: Judicial About-Turn? On the ECHR Rulings on “Hot Returns” at the External Borders of the European Union and Humanitarian Visa for Refugees 1020

Beham, Markus P.: State Interest and the Sources of International Law. Doctrine, Morality, and Non-Treaty Law (Philipp Janig) 1021
Lahmann, Henning: Unilateral Remedies to Cyber Operations (Johann-Christoph Woltag) 1027
Symmons, Clive Ralph: Historic Waters and Historic Rights in the Law of the Sea. A Modern Reappraisal (Valentin J. Schatz) 1034

* Alle als Abhandlungen veröffentlichten Beiträge haben zuvor ein Begutachtungsverfahren (double-blind peer review) durchlaufen. / All articles published under the heading
“Abhandlungen” were subject to double-blind peer review.
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