Band / Volume 77 (2017) |
Abhandlungen – Stellungnahmen und Berichte – Buchbesprechungen |
Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors: Impulses from the Max Planck Trialogues on the Law of Peace and War
Übersicht |
1 |
A. Peters/C. Marxsen: Editors’ Introduction: Self-Defence in Times of Transition |
3 |
Restrictivist Positions |
O. Corten: Has Practice Led to an “Agreement Between the Parties” Regarding the Interpretation of Article 51 of the UN Charter? |
15 |
T. Christakis: Challenging the “Unwilling or Unable” Test |
19 |
I. Österdahl: Scarcely Reconcilable with the UN Charter |
23 |
S. Kawagishi: Clearing Uncertainties of the Jurisprudence of the ICJ on Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors |
27 |
P. Urs: Effective Territorial Control by Non-State Armed Groups and the Right of Self-Defence |
31 |
L. Lo Giacco: Reconsidering the Legal Basis for Military Actions Against Non-State Actors |
35 |
B. Sjöstedt: Applying the Unable/Unwilling State Doctrine – Can a State Be Unable to Take Action? |
39 |
M. Hartwig: Which State’s Territory May Be Used for Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors? |
43 |
Expansionist Positions |
J. A. Frowein: Article 51 and the Realities of the Present Day World |
47 |
K. Oellers-Frahm: Article 51 – What Matters Is the Armed Attack, not the Attacker |
49 |
I. Couzigou: The Right to Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors – Criteria of the “Unwilling or Unable” Test |
53 |
G. Keinan: Humanising the Right of Self-Defence |
57 |
C. J. Tams: Embracing the Uncertainty of Old: Armed Attacks by Non-State Actors Prior to 9/11 |
61 |
Conceptual Alternatives |
L. van den Herik: “Proceduralising” Article 51 |
65 |
A. Tancredi: Doctrinal Alternatives to Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors |
69 |
Meta-Questions |
M. Wood: Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors – A Practitioner’s View |
75 |
L. Grover: Intertemporality and Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors |
79 |
C.-P. Sassenrath: Diverging Interpretations of Individual State Practice on Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors – Considerations for a Methodological Approach |
83 |
P. Starski: A Call for a Turn to the Meta-Level of International Law: Silence, the “Interregnum”, and the Conundrum of Ius Cogens |
87 |
C. Marxsen: A Note on Indeterminacy of the Law on Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors |
91 |
Karl Doehring Lecture
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 03 November 2016
T. Buergenthal: Human Rights: From San Francisco to The Hague
289 |
“Effectiveness and Legitimacy of International Law” Symposium in Honour of Christian Tomuschat
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg/Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer, 22-23 July 2016
Übersicht |
305 |
A. von Bogdandy/A. Peters/K.-P. Sommermann: Symposium in Honour of Christian Tomuschat |
307 |
C. Tomuschat: Effectiveness and Legitimacy in International Law Heidelberg – Concluding Observations |
309 |
K.-P. Sommermann: Transformative Effects of the Aarhus Convention in Europe |
321 |
M. Fitzmaurice: Legitimacy of International Environmental Law. The Sovereign States Overwhelmed by Obligations: Responsibility to React to Problems Beyond National Jurisdiction? |
339 |
C. Stahn: Daedalus or Icarus?Footprints of International Criminal Justice Over a Quarter of a Century |
371 |
A Falling Tree Makes More Noise Than a Growing Forest
On the Constitutional Courts� Underestimated Contribution to the Domestic Enforcement of the European Convention on Human Rights
Übersicht |
579 |
D. Paris: Introduction |
581 |
D. Kosař/J. Petrov: The Architecture of the Strasbourg System of Human Rights: The Crucial Role of the Domestic Level and the Constitutional Courts in Particular |
585 |
D. Paris: Allies and Counterbalances – Constitutional Courts and the European Court of Human Rights: A Comparative Perspective |
623 |
A. Padskocimaite: Constitutional Courts and (Non)execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: A Comparison of Cases from Russia and Lithuania |
651 |
D. Tega: The Italian Way: A Blend of Cooperation and Hubris |
685 |
L. Vhynánek: A Holistic View of the Czech Constitutional Court Approach to the ECtHR’s Case Law – On the Importance of Individual Justices |
715 |
Jochen Abr. Frowein: Zum Tode von Botschafter Prof. Dr. Tono Eitel 1933-2017 |
559 |
B. Kempen/B. Schiffbauer: Die vorläufige Anwendung völkerrechtlicher Verträge im internationalen Mehrebenensystem |
95 |
F. Capone: From the Justice and Peace Law to the Revised Peace Agreement Between the Colombian Government and the FARC: Will Victims’ Rights Be Satisfied at Last? |
125 |
B. Gogarty/P. Lawrence: The ICJ Whaling Case: Missed Opportunity to Advance the Rule of Law in Resolving Science-Related Disputes in Global Commons? |
161 |
S. Dellavalle: Law as a Linguistic Instrument Without Truth Content? On the Epistemology of Koskenniemi’s Understanding of Law |
199 |
A. Vincze: Europäisierung des nationalen Verwaltungsrechts – eine rechtsvergleichende Annäherung |
235 |
A. Buser: Colonial Injustices and the Law of State Responsibility: The CARICOM Claim to Compensate Slavery and (Native) Genocide
409 |
A. Bufalini: On the Power of a State to Waive Reparation Claims Arising from War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity |
447 |
G. Rugge/V. Volpe: The Italian Court Through the Looking-Glass – A Dialogue Between Constitutional Justices |
561 |
T. Ackermann/K. Fenrich: Motion and Rest –International Law’s Responsiveness Towards Terrorism, Mass Surveillance, and Self-Defence |
745 |
M. Longobardo: (New) Cyber Exploitation and (Old) International Humanitarian Law |
809 |
R. Mehring: Carl Schmitts Schrift “Die Lage der europäischen Rechtswissenschaft” |
853 |
A. von Bogdandy: Das Öffentliche im Völkerrecht im Lichte von Schmitts “Begriff des Politischen”. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theoriebildung im Öffentlichen Recht |
877 |
M. Andenas/J. R. Leiss: The Systemic Relevance of “Judicial Decisions” in Article 38 of the ICJ Statute |
907 |
R. Gong: China and CAT – From Implementation Issues to Institutional Analyses |
973 |
M. Hartwig: Völkerrechtliche Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahr 2012 |
471 |
M. Hartwig: Bericht zur völkerrechtlichen Praxis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahr 2013 |
1019 |
Buchbesprechungen |
Buchbesprechungen |
Buchbesprechungen |
Buchbesprechungen |
Sachregister |
947 |
Verzeichnis der besprochenen Bücher |
Lawrence, Peter: Justice for Future Generations. Climate Change and International Law (Michael Bothe) |
269 |
Macklem, Patrick: The Sovereignty of Human Rights (Anna John) |
273 |
Tushnet, Mark/Graber, Mark A./Levinson, Sanford (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of the U.S. Constitution (Rainer Grote) |
276 |
Baade, Björnstjern/Ehricht, Sebastian/Fink, Matthäus/Frau, Robert/
Möldner, Mirka/Risini, Isabella/Stirner, Torsten (Hrsg.): Verhältnismäßigkeit im Völkerrecht (Johannes Hartlieb) |
539 |
Beham, Markus/Fink, Melanie/Janik, Ralph:Völkerrecht verstehen (Joachim Gruber) |
546 |
Mälksoo, Lauri: Russian Approaches to International Law (Matthias Hartwig) |
548 |
Thirlway, Hugh: The Sources of International Law (Claudia Kurkin) |
555 |
Dupuy, Pierre-Marie/Viñuales, Jorge E.: International Environmental Law (Ludwig Gramlich) |
835 |
Goldmann, Matthias: Internationale öffentliche Gewalt (Matthias Ruffert) |
839 |
Gunneflo, Markus: Targeted Killing (Sven Peterke) |
843 |
Klučka, Ján/Elbert, Ľudmila: Regionalism and Its Contribution to General International Law (Ludwig Gramlich) |
848 |
Bode, Maren Katharina: Der IWF im Wandel – Rückkehr zu einem neuen System (Ludwig Gramlich) |
1087 |
Dhaliwal, Shveta: Human Rights Mechanism in South Asia (Eckart Klein) |
1092 |
Stoffels, Markus D. W.: EU-Mitgliedschaft und Abspaltung (Torsten Stein) |
1096 |